Written & Directed By:
Gregory Gieras
Rated PG-13
Genre: Horror
Format Used: Netflix DVD
Contains: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence
It's a bachlor Party in the most unusual way, spending it spelunking a dangeous cave in India with his buddies for one last
crazy adventure.
But little do they know that someone was dumping toxic waste in that area which mutates local wild life, centipedes to
be exact. When the centipede attacks it causes a cave in which traps the group inside the cave with the incidious insect.
The question is which will kill them first, the cave in or the murderous mutant?
I love the soud, the sound was assume. The sound is the best part of this movie. However, for a movie with a budget of $
500,000 dollars. I expect more then great sound. In the effects that's where they drop the ball and hard. People, the year
is 2004 not 1954, not 1965, not 1974 and not 1984. What's with the piss poor puppet? The mouth didn't move, the legs didn't
move. It was just a big ass puppet. Weak creature effects is ruins this movie, maybe they should have spent more on the
monster and less on the sound. I give it the NOOSE

Speaking as a man, what is he NUTS!? Spending his last day as a free man cave exploring instead of getting some? Whimps
like him is what give men a bad name. The little bit of CGI doesn't save the really bad puppet. No excuse for it either,
the size should mean they could make it more animated, not less. Plus does anyone remember THUNDERBIRDS, it was in the sixties,
they would oversize puppets and they're mouth moves, their eyes moved. No excuse, it's jut plain bad. I also give this pile
of puke THE NOOSE!

+ STORY (The story kind of works)
+ SOUND (The sound is incredible)
- BUDGET (What the hell did they spend all that money on?)
- EFFECTS (The so called effects were weak)
- CREATURE EFFECTS (The giant centipede was a giant weak ass puppet)
- MOUTH DIDN'T MOVE (The mouth, the pinchers near the mouth, none of it moved and being a big ass puppet is no excuse)
- THEY CALL THEMSELVES MEN (Any man that prefers mucking around a deep dark dank cave over T and A for their bahlor party
needs his head examine and should resign from the club.)