Directed By:
Daniel Boyd
Rated R
Genre: Horror
Format Used: Netflix DVD
Contains: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, Sexual Content, Bad Acting, Bad Endings
VOLTRON HERE! This time warning you of a real pile of dog dung called CHILLERS! The basic story if you can call it that
is a group of people meet waiting for a bus and tell each other of the strange dreams they've been having. Stories like a
woman being tormented by spirits by a pool, a boy being chased by a crazed killer while on a Boy Scott camping trip, a girl
gets involved with a vampire one night stand and so forth.
Now the big "twist", they are all dead and are going to Hell for their "sins". Apparently fighting
to try to save your own life is a sin to Daniel Boyd, the writer and director of this crap fest. This is bad even by Troma
standards, some Troma movies are so bad they are kind of funny, but this is bad in that god I wish I was dead and sorry I
started watching it. This is just bad on so many levels and Daniel Boyd must think like the writer of DEVIL'S NIGHTMARE that
any little "SIN" and you go straight to hell. That's B.S. and anyone with half a brain knows it. ZEDD and I give
this crap factory THE NOOSE!