Directed By:
Ronald K. Armstrong
Rated PG-13
Genre: Horror
Format Used: Netflix DVD
Contains: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence
Now Troma's quality has never been Oscar standards by any means but this time, this time, Troma has made a real crap shack.
The concept if you can call it that is some exterminators got a hold of a mutating compound by accident after a fatal
crash, like the corpses wasn't a good clue that something was wrong.
They use to the gassley gas to kill a woman's cricket infestation but instead it mutates them to flesh eating bug monsters.
The lame creature effects and acting was bad enough. But it was goofy bad, not goofy funny and it leads to a bad ending
which is odd for Troma, this is the kind of crap you expect from Brain Damage not Troma. We both give it the RASPBERRY.